MLK Day School Closed

GOOD MORNING, Tinora Middle School! These are your morning announcements!

For lunch today we are having: Fiestada, Corn, Peppers with Dip, and Pears. 2nd Choice: Fish Sandwich.

Good luck tonight to our Spelling Bee winner Trey Gentit and our runner-up Lysarra Skeens who are competing at the Defiance County Spelling Bee at Ayersville at 7 pm.

FCA will meet during 6A in Mrs. Nofziger's classroom on Thursday, January 16.

Attention 5th & 6th graders: Cold weather has arrived! Please wear a warm coat, hat, and gloves to keep warm on your way to and from school and during recess. You will go outside daily unless it is below 20 degrees or raining.

MINDSET MONDAY for January is: "100% Accountable"! Today is Overcoming Limiting Beliefs - Sometimes when we think about trying new things or doing things we haven’t done before, we let fears or excuses keep us from taking action. These are what we call limiting beliefs. Work on believing in yourself, taking that chance, and overcoming those beliefs so you can do amazing things!

Good luck to our girls' basketball teams who travel to Archbold to take on the Lady Blue Streaks. The first game starts at 5:00 pm.

Good luck to our boys' basketball teams, which will face Archbold at home. The first game starts at 4:30 p.m.

Have a Great Day! GO RAMS!