Signing Students In and Out
We ask parents to please come into the middle school office to sign their students out when leaving school early. When bringing the student to school or if the student is returning from an appointment or arriving late, the student will sign themselves in when you drop them off. It is not necessary for the parent to come into the office to sign them in. This change has occurred because of a new law requiring us to record hours instead of days that a child attends. Thank you for your understanding.
Student Absences
Parents are asked to please call by 9:00am 419-497-2361, where you can also leave voicemail or email info to if your student will be absent or if they will be late to school for any reason. Please state the name of the student, the reason for absence and illness symptoms. This allows us to get the attendance information to teachers as soon as possible.
Please turn in all doctor’s notes to the office the day your student returns.
Unscheduled Pick-ups
We request advance notice of any early pick-ups or absences due to scheduled appointments or family events. Please call 419-497-2361, where you can also leave voicemail or email info to
Vacation or Multi-day Absences
If you are planning a family vacation or event, we must receive a note or email prior to the missed day(s) so the student can get their assignments ahead of time. Vacations that are not prearranged are unexcused.
All Transportation Changes
11:00 am is the latest any transportation changes for your students' ride home at the end of the school day can be made. Call the Middle School office at 419-497-2361.
Please note that students are not permitted to ride a different bus home at the end of the school day or ride a different bus to school.
Long term bus changes call our Transportation Supervisor, Angie Bussing 419-497-9919.
Grade Cards & Interims
Interims are mailed to any student who has earned a D or F midway through the quarter. Grade cards are mailed to all students. Interims and Grade Cards are typically mailed the following Wednesday.
Fees Payment Reminder
All fees must be paid or a payment towards the balance to receive grade cards, go on field trips or graduate. If payment cannot be made in full, please call the office (419-497-2361) to make arrangements.
Entering the Middle School Office
When coming to the school during the school day you must walk into the door on the right. In between the 2 sets of doors, immediately on your right there is a door bell button to press to alert the secretary that you want to be admitted into the building. Please be sure to stand right in from of the camera/doorbell box so we can see who you are. The secretary will then activate the lock release and you will be told you can come in. You will then need to push the door to your right open to enter.
School Delays & Cancellations
In the event school would be delayed or canceled, the information will be on the three Defiance radio stations. You will also get notified on the Tinora Ram App. Please note: If school is canceled, all Middle School activities are canceled.
Ram App ~ School Notifications
Download the Tinora Rams app for iPhone or Android phones that will provide parents with information such as events, menus, emergency notifications, & other school updates. Find it in your App Store and download it to your phone. If you are not receiving the notifications, please make sure you turn on your notifications in the Tinora Ram app and in your phone settings.
Email Notifications for TMS Parents
We will send important information to TMS parents throughout the school year with the emails provided in your student registration in FinalForms. If your email changes or is incorrect, please email Lisa Maxwell at
TMS School Counselor’s Note
If you have a concern about your student or feel they may benefit from speaking with Mr. Bailey, our Guidance Counselor, please feel free to contact him directly. You can call 419-497-2361 and ask to speak with Mr. Bailey, email him at, or you can go to our website and fill out the Guidance Form. The form can be found at if you click Middle School and then Guidance.
Recess During Cold Weather Days
Grade 5-6 students still go outside for recess on cold days. Students will go outside everyday unless it is below 20°F or it is raining. Please send your 5th and 6th grade students to school each cold day with a warm hat, coat and gloves.
Photos on our Facebook Group Page
On Facebook, click on Groups, search for "Tinora Rams K-12" and click to join to see the TMS posts and photos.
TMS Newsletters
Tinora Middle School provides four (4) editions of our TMS Newsletter to the parents/guardians throughout the school year. These are mailed home with your students report cards. Please keep this handy and take the time to read these as they contain important information and coming events.
TMS Daily Announcements
Our daily announcements can be read every day on our website, then by clicking "Announcements" in the left-hand column. This will keep you up to date on any changes or our daily activities.
Hunting Rules
All hunting absences must be prearranged. Students must bring a note from home and then get a “hunting” form to fill out and return to school before the planned absence. Students must get their assignments before the hunting absence. One day of absence is the maximum days excused for hunting. A printable "Hunting Permission" form is available on the "Forms" link.
TMS PTO - Please join us!
Did you know that our 5th grade takes an overnight trip to Camp Storer and our 8th grade takes an overnight trip to Washington D.C.? Both of these trips carry a big expense. Without our PTO, parents would be responsible for the entire cost of both trips! We are in search of new members to help raise money to send our students on these awesome trips. Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30pm upstairs in the Media Center.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
The Tinora Middle School parent-teacher conferences are held on two (2) different evenings typically during the first couple weeks of November. Sign-ups will be emailed to you closer to the conference days. If you have any questions or concerns about your child(ren), please contact Erich Bailey by email at or by phone 419-497-2361
Student School Pictures
Pictures for all the students will be taken two (2) times throughout the school year, one in the fall and one in the Spring. Information on how to order pictures online will be sent home with the students within the week before.