Eric Wiemken

Brad Sines

Mike Boff

John Higbea

Shawn Mack


Dear Northeastern Local School Residents:

 What do we want most for our children? We want them to do well in school, music, sports, have nice friends, be kind people, get a good job, etc… The list continues. But what we probably want most for our children is health and happiness.

 As a school district our core focus is naturally on academics. However, through co-curricular and extracurricular activities and partnerships with organizations such as our PTO, Academic Boosters, Athletic Boosters, Tinora Fine Arts Boosters to name a few, we also address the physical and social well-being and development of our students in a variety of ways.

 The Tinora community has always taken great pride in our school district and supports students and staff in ways too numerous to list. In return, the district strives to provide educational services in a way deserving of community pride. Clearly an example of our Tinora pride is the construction of our new state of the art Tinora High School/Middle School and the Tinora Performing Arts Center. These new facilities will accommodate our students, community and staff for generations to come.

Thank you for allowing each of us to serve this district. Our monthly Board meetings are listed on the online school calendar. Our teachers and administrators welcome your comments and concerns. We are all a vital building block in the future of this community. It starts at home and carries on in our schools. Together with your support we will continue to make Tinora an excellent district and our students outstanding citizens.

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