Does Ohio require children to attend kindergarten?

Yes. Ohio law requires children to attend kindergarten. Districts cannot admit a child to first grade who has not completed kindergarten unless the district has admitted the child for early entrance to first grade, which means skipping kindergarten.

At what age should my child start kindergarten?

A child must be at least 5 years old to enter kindergarten or 6 years old to enter first grade. Compulsory school age, or the minimum age in which a child must be enrolled in and attend school, is 6. A family can choose to wait until a child turns 6 before enrolling a child in kindergarten.

How do I know if my child is old enough to enter kindergarten?

Districts choose either Aug. 1 or Sept. 30 as the date by which a child must be 5 years old to enter kindergarten. Each school district should display this information on its website or be able to provide a parent who asks with the district’s age cut-off date for kindergarten.


Students must be 5 years old by September 30th to enroll

To register your child for Kindergarten Screening, you will need to complete the 2025-2026 New Student Registration forms. These forms are available by clicking here. If you are new to enrolling students at Tinora, you will need to create an account to register your child. If you currently have students enrolled, you can add the new Kindergarten student to your current FinalForms account (please be sure to complete the 2025-2026 forms). To register you will need copies of the following: Birth Certificate, Shot Record, Proof of Residency, and Custody Papers (if applicable).

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Liska ( or Mrs. Amanda Kelly (

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